

Founder & Owner

Vice President of Education

Executive Manager, Iran


Consultant, Sultanate of Oman

Faculty member, Medical and Wellness Tourism, India

Director of NWIU office in Indian Sub- Continent

Division of Accounting Affairs

Director, Department of Skin Beauty technology, Eurasia region

Health Tourism Education Coordinator in Middle East region

Founder of Peak Performers University, 

Founder of Brainae University, United States of America

Founder of Nile University of Science and Technology, Somalia

Founder of Nile University Science and Technology, Somalia

Western Global University, United State of America

Funder of Kowloon Natural Energy Workshop Institute, Hong Kong

Founding Chairman of Leeway Peace and Human Rights Foundation & Notable Book of World Records Nigeria

President of DEI University, Tanzania

Founder of Revival Bible University

president of HOSMI Theological Institute, South Africa

Founder of Ethan College of Biblical Studies 

President of Apostolos Bible University, International, Nigeria

President of Christian Theological Accreditation International

Vice President of Fellowship University, Republic of Liberia

Head of Information Security & Digital Marketing Department of Cyprus Science University

Accredited Professor with Northwest International University, at the School of Business Management and School of Education 

Country Director and Representative of International Association for Quality Assurance in Pretertiary and Higher Education in Uganda

Accredited Professor at the School of Law

Accredited Professor at The School of Medical  Engineering

Accredited Professor at the School of Information Technology

Accredited Professor at the School of Information Technology

Accredited Professor at the School of Medical Engineering

Accredited Professorat the School of Performing Arts 

President of International University UPTEAG PAI

Founder of Canadian Practical Training Institute

Accredited Professor at the School of Performing Arts, Tbilisi Georgia

Department of Tourism and Hotel management

Middle east and North Africa region

Department of Information Technology

Department of Education, Georgia

Department of International law, Georgia

Department of Tourism Health

Federal Republic of Germany

Department of Tourism Health

Yazd province, IR. Iran

Accredited Professor, Iran

Website Manager

Founder of Professional Development Research Institute and Consultancy Services, Pakistan

Founder of E-tutor Global Education, Zambia

Founder of Collage of Sciences Mukono, Zambia

Founder of Agora International University

The operation Manager of International College of Teacher and Trainers, India

Accredited Professor

Founder of University of Asia Management Foundation, Myanmar

Global President of Chartered Institute of Educational Practitioners, United Kingdom 

Founder of North Carolina Open University

President of FABCWA Global Christian University

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President of Indian Society of Dentistry

President of Christian Theological Accreditation International & Angel Global University

Director of Priyanshu Research 

Educonsulting Experts, India

Accredited Professor with Northwest International University, at the School of Business Management

Accredited Professor With Northwest International University at the Department of Education

Prime minister Birland State

Accredited Professor at the  School of Applied Arts

Accredited Professor at the School of Information Technology

Accredited Professor at the School of Architecture and Urban Planning

Accredited Professor at the School of Medical Engineering

Accredited Professor at the School of Skin and Beauty Technology

Founder of ARI Home Care, Canada

Excellent Consultant in Education Planning and Global Education at Northwest International University, India

Visiting and Accredited Professor at the School of Health and Wellness, Ontario, Canada