Welcome Message

Welcome to Northwest International University official website. On behalf of the university. We are so pleased you are considering this website and hope it provides the necessary information you are looking for as you may choose an institution or university program that will best meet your academic needs. At our new established university, we provide a student-centered educational experience to all students. We also appreciate the diverse opinions and experiences of international students bring to our educational and research environment as they enrich our learning and working circumstances. Our international students will be engaged in numerous academic and extracurricular activities mostly through distance learning system.

Finally, your decision to attend in the Northwest International University will mean much more than earning a university degree or certificate. You will be an integral part of the university’s commitment to international peace, cross-cultural understanding, your community and your homeland.

By educating you, we will become a better and a stronger university in the future and your interest and enthusiasm are highly valuated. Thank you for your continuing contributions, support, and accomplishment.

Kindest regards,

Dr.Mohammadali Morshedi

Founder, Northwest International University


Our Changing World

Our world is changing quickly. We cannot expect the material we learn in a professional discipline to remain relevant for the rest of our career. Just look at the hi-tech industry: most of the technical skills needed today were not part of engineering school curriculums a few years ago. A successful university education must therefore provide students with fundamental skills and help them learn on their own and adapt to evolving circumstances.

Education role in our life

Education gives us a knowledge of the world around us and changes it into something better. It develops in us a perspective of looking at life. It helps us build opinions and have points of view on things in life. People debate over the subject of whether education is the only thing that gives knowledge. The most effective approaches to global learning don’t necessarily start by focusing on things or places far away from students. Curiosity and perspective-taking are critical global competencies to help students develop, and those skills are nurtured when students thoroughly explore their own backgrounds, communities and cultural contexts.

Future expectations

Northwest International University is planning to be one of the higher education institutions which not only awards academic degrees in various academic disciplines but also strives to provide a brilliant background for its future expectations in the regional and global scene.

The new world economic order is characterized by a knowledge-based economic system, the rapid pace of technological changes, and the globalization of markets.

These characteristics have made human capital the main determinant of the competitiveness of companies and countries; they have opened new opportunities for countries with limited natural resources. In addition, they enable young entrepreneurs with innovative ideas to launch their own projects.

Education has become strategic for the making of a prosperous and peaceful society. International students create a multicultural environment required for the preparation of the students for international careers. They also contribute to a better understanding between cultures that promotes peace between countries.

Online and Distance Education

Distance education or Distance learning is the education of students who may not always be physically present at a school. Traditionally, this usually involved correspondence courses wherein the student corresponded with the university via post. Today it involves online education. Massive open online courses, offering large-scale interactive participation and open access through the World Wide Web or other network technologies, are recent developments in distance education.

The University’s range of online degrees allow you to learn a subject in depth, have the flexibility to fit your studies around your working life, enjoy top class teaching and benefit from the convenience that comes with studying online.

Advantages of Distance Education?

The main advantage of online and distance learning is that it allows you to fit your learning around your work and home life. You can usually also set your own pace of study. It is your decision as to when and where you study distance learning course often costs less than a full-time degree.

Here are just a few other benefits of an online education courtesy of the Northwest International University:

You can attend online classes anytime, anywhere you have Web access.

You can access course materials 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

You can learn from instructors across the country and around the world, broadening your perspective.

You’ll enhance your ability to communicate effectively through the latest technology.

You’ll network with classmates from a wide range of backgrounds and locations.

You can access instructors immediately through chat, discussion thread, or email, without having to wait for office hours.

You’ll have access to a broad spectrum of relevant content through your online course Web site.

You could earn higher grades because you can learn at your own pace.

You’ll learn innovative strategies for virtual teamwork by using electronic communication to interact with a group. Employers highly value this skill.

You’ll benefit from a flexible schedule, which is extremely helpful if you’re balancing your education with.